Fosroc Chemicals Nagole Hyderabad 

Fosroc Lokfix

Polyester resin grouts

Why Fosroc Lokfix (Anchoring Grout)?

Lokfix are used for high strength corrosion resistant anchoring of bolts and bars from 10 – 51mm diameter into concrete, rock, masonry or brickwork where high speed of installation and early application of load is required.

Permanent installation of reinforcement starter bars, foundation bolts, base plates, balustrading, barriers and safety fences, railway tracks, tie-back anchors, reinforcement dowelling abutments, ground anchors for towers, cranes, dock sills.


  • Rapid strength gain
  • Vibration resistant
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Non expansive
  • Can be placed under water

Health and Safety instruction:

Confined areas must be well ventilated and no naked flames allowed. Contact with the skin should be avoided as certain sensitive skins may be affected by contact with the polyester resin. In such cases if contact with the resin occurs, the skin should be washed immediately with soap and water – not solvent. Gloves and barrier creams should be used when handling these products. Eye contamination must be immediately washed with plenty of water and medical treatment sought.


Lokfix polyester resin grout resin is flammable. Confined areas must be well ventilated and no naked flames allowed. Do not smoke during use.


Any mixing drums, pumps, etc. should be cleaned within the pot life of of the grout. Nitoflor Sol is available for this purpose.